Monday, February 18, 2008

Flickr and Google Images

Again, I am very impressed with what I saw today. I even felt that I may need to reconsider being a undercover dog if it's possible, because I thought human beings are having more fun than dog beings. If I become a human, then, I can play Flicker and Google image labeler at least half a day rather than watching humans all day. So, I will upload my photographs, label them, and contribute to Google users.

I was very excited today.
I had a great time saving my photographs at the Flicker site and I scored cumulative total points of 3320 with Google image labeler. COOL!

Well, ...
Flicker is for personal online image storage and Google image labeler is a kind of game in which you come up with tagging vocabularies for photos or images. I wonder are we helping Google to index these photos? If so, they are so clever to have us doing it. That saves lots of time for everyone.

I can see myself becoming a big Flicker user. Thank you for introducing me to such a wonderful tool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You are moving ahead in this challenge at lightening speed! Love it!