I visited YouTube. It was so much fun to browse all kinds of video clips. I am, again, so impressed with the technology. Posting video clip can be done so easily now.
I found many video clips of Jack Russell dogs at YouTube. That made me feel good.
I felt like I met all of my distant cousins, and they look exactly like me.
I am not lonely anymore, but it was a bit of a shock.
By the way, click my nose. You will see my girl friend, Olive.
I like the idea of sharing video clips. It is a good thing that people are so generously sharing their clips.
However, I don't think I will post a video clip by myself. First of all, I don't have a video camera. And my cell phone does not take video clips. Therefore, I will probably just remain a viewer of this wonderful and amazing tool.
Oh, Boy! I had a good time.
If you find a cool you tube video, copy the code and paste it into your blog entry. That way you can share your finds with your readers.
Jill, thank you for your advise. So, I did it. Click my nose! That's my girl friend, Olive. Enjoy!
Pretty good for a girl terrier, huh? :) I like how you created a link out of the photo.
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