Oh, my gosh!
I am so ashamed to be born as a dog. I am just a dog, how pathetic... I am sad.
Until I found out about del.icio.us, I was just a naive dog.
But, now, I need to re-evaluate my status as a dog.
After I learned about the amazing capability of del.icio.us, I am not just a dog.
(I need a raise! Now, I am an educated dog!)
This will be an important report to my boss in Washington, D.C., I am sure.
And, I am going to bragging about del.icio.us. How wonderful this thing is.
This is the definition of "del.icio.us" linked from fc23things:
"del.icio.us is a social bookmarking website -- the primary use of del.icio.us is to store your bookmarks online, which allows you to access the same bookmarks from any computer and add bookmarks from anywhere, too."
I am even in tears to just think about how wonderful this thing is.
Now, I can always find the bones I buried!
I can create sub-catagories -- as many as I want. I can keep my favorite web-sites -- as many as I want. The key is to stick with GOOD taging language. Well, ... Although I am a dog, I am employed in the library, so I have some understanding about "controlled vocabulary", I hope.
So, I should be O.K. doing that.
Anyways,... I can not wait to do "Collaborative tagging" with everyone. So, my bookmarking will grow and grow. Thank God for this wonderful software: del.icio.us.
del.icio.us is just like a cucumber. It's COOL.
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